Never Go Alone

Christianity in Mormon Country. It isn't easy, but you're not in it alone.

Monday, January 08, 2007


Well, here I am updating my blog from Michigan. I totally surprised my sister. It was great. It went something like this. My dad and step-mom went into the house ahead of me along with my brother-in-law's friends who showed up at the same time that we did. So, four people at the same time showed up on their front porch, and all went in. Then, about a minute later, I knocked on the door and my sister said, "Who else is here?" I opened the door and she had this shocked, confused look on her face and just started backing up. Then she started crying, which is a pretty typical response for a woman in my family. Anyway, it was awesome and she didn't suspect a thing. Also, I got to spend some time with my dad and step-mom, which was great. I'm here for another six days, so I'll let you know what I did while here.


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