Never Go Alone

Christianity in Mormon Country. It isn't easy, but you're not in it alone.

Monday, December 11, 2006

On Underachieving and Being Sick

I admit it, I'm an underachiever. I think it's a mark of our generation. I'm a Twixter. The way I see it, I can work really hard at something and have the right job, the right clothes, the right house, and be absolutely miserable. Or, alternatively, I can do something that I enjoy, and enjoy life in the process. I'm unwilling to pursue a career that will take away my time with my husband or will cause me too much stress or will make me hate myself. My job doesn't conflict with my values and it doesn't demand more from me than I have. It's perfect.

That being said, I am kind of a workaholic. I like to work. I also don't like not getting paid because I'm not working. So, I'm sick right now and should have stayed home Saturday night and probably today, but I worked anyway because I know that we need that money. Starting in January I'll accrue some sick hours, so I'll be able to stay home when I'm sick, but not until then. I just can't bring myself to miss work. I feel like people are counting on me. Probably that's just narcissism talking, but who can know that for sure?


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